
HIC Report Shows Frustration with Lack of Medicare Support: AMA

The falling public approval rating for Medicare is a direct result of the Government's failure to support the real cost of healthcare, according to the AMA.

A Health Insurance Commission survey on Medicare shows a drop in the public's satisfaction with the scheme for the third successive year, a fall of six per cent over three years.

The survey showed public satisfaction with Medicare had dropped from 89 percent in 1997-1998 to 83 percent this year.

AMA Federal President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, said the public was starting to feel the effects of a "rock-bottom" schedule of fees, particularly for GP services.

"Joint Commonwealth/AMA studies have found that a fair fee for a standard consultation of up to 20 minutes should be around $44 - with the current patient rebate set at only $22.50," Dr Phelps said.

She said the HIC had also released figures showing the bulk billing of medical attendances had dropped by more than 900,000 in the three years since June 1997.

Dr Phelps predicted that this trend would continue, increasing patient gaps for GP services.

"Other sources of frustration include the pathetic state of our public hospitals, increased waiting times and poor access to outpatient services.

"Government policy is crippling general practice and the public hospital system. The HIC's report amounts to patients speaking out about their growing concerns."

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