
Health Spared Big Cuts

The Australian Medical Association tonight said it was relieved that the health budget was spared from major cuts and that the Government kept faith with the community over its election promises.

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said the AMA was pleased to see the Budget has been reasonably protected from major cuts in the context of the economic circumstances facing the country.

"Our major concern is always to see that patient care is not undermined and that quality health care is at the forefront of any budget measures," Dr Capolingua said.

"Many of the health commitments reflect what the AMA has been calling for. For example, Indigenous health, public hospital support, fighting cancer initiatives and other preventative measures.

"The AMA will work to ensure that these commitments will deliver to Australians the highest quality of health care.

"In that context, the AMA wants to see an accelerated emphasis on future medical specialist training places; compensation measures provided if the fall-out from private health insurance increases demand on public hospitals; and an increase in the patient Medicare rebate to compensate for inflation of health care costs."

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