Media release

Health reform plans must be agreed and supported, not stalled

AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, today urged all governments to put patients’ interests before politics as negotiations over the Rudd Government’s health reforms continue ahead of the COAG meeting on 19 April.

The Federal AMA last night convened a teleconference of State and Territory AMA Presidents to discuss a united AMA position on the national health reform agenda.

Dr Pesce said it was agreed that all governments should pursue cooperative negotiation over sticking points but the priority must be to deliver a better national health system for all Australians.

“We have been supportive of the Prime Minister’s resolve for reform,” Dr Pesce said.

“To date, much of the AMA’s Priority Investment Plan has been picked up by the Rudd Government.  It is important that the COAG outcome results in more funding, more beds, more details, and greater clarity of how the blame game will end.

“Health reform is too big an issue to be mired and stymied by Commonwealth versus State political bickering.

“There needs to be responsible negotiation over funding and resourcing arrangements between the Commonwealth and the States, but the main objective must be building a better health system to meet current and future needs.

“The momentum for health reform must not be stalled.  It is a national issue that requires a national solution. 

“Every doctor I have talked to agrees we need to end the blame game.  It is time for governments to take responsibility and end the blame game, and it would be a good start to get the blame game out of the negotiations.

“We need a system that properly resources the delivery of clinical services, not bureaucracy.

“Most importantly, we need a system that is responsive to local needs and responsive to the input of local clinicians and communities.

“Major health reform is needed – no change is not an option,” Dr Pesce said.

9 April 2010


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