
Health Minister's remarks 'inflammatory'

AMA President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, said today that Health Minister, Senator Kay Patterson, has poured petrol on the flames of the medical indemnity crisis by accusing doctors who have been forced to increase their fees to cover spiralling indemnity premiums of 'profiteering'.

Senator Patterson, reported in The Australian this morning, is also encouraging patients to desert GPs whose practices are under threat from medical indemnity costs and an outdated and inadequate Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS).

"Doctors are not profiteering, they are struggling to stay in practice," Dr Phelps said.

"The doctors being attacked by the Minister are mostly rural GPs who are struggling under the burden of huge increases in indemnity premiums, practice accreditation costs, computerisation costs, bureaucratic red tape, higher staff costs and the growing demands of being a doctor in regional Australia.

"These doctors are finding they can no longer bulk bill because of the inadequacy of the (MBS). The Medicare patient rebate comes nowhere near reflecting the real cost of providing medical services. Doctors have to cover their costs, let alone make a living.

"The latest rise in premiums is the 'straw that broke the camel's back'.

"It is a gross insult to accuse these doctors of profiteering.

"The Minister's attack displays a disappointing lack of awareness of the realities of medical practice and the realities of Australia's medical workforce problems.

"By calling on patients to leave their GPs, Senator Patterson is threatening the importance of continuity of care for patients.

"She is also giving overworked GPs another reason to leave country practice or retire early.

"Doctors need a champion in Government, not a Minister looking for scapegoats.

"I will be writing to the Minister today seeking an explanation for her outburst and requesting a meeting at the earliest opportunity to discuss medical indemnity and the many other issues threatening the provision of affordable quality medical services in Australia at the moment," Dr Phelps said.

CONTACT: John Flannery (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

Sarah Crichton (02) 6270 5472 / (0419) 440 076

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