
Health Ministers Must Ensure Blood Supply Safety

The AMA has today written to the Federal Health Minister, Shadow Health Minister, and State and Territory Health Ministers, urging them to protect patients' safety by disallowing overseas tenders for Australia's blood products supply.

AMA Vice President Dr Choong-Siew Yong said blood products must come from the safest, highest-quality, and most reliable source possible.

"The unpaid, voluntary nature of Australia's blood donation system is recognised as a critical contributor to the safety of our blood supply," Dr Yong said.

"The independent Flood Review recently recommended that blood products destined for Australian patients continue to be sourced from volunteer Australian blood donors and be processed on-shore, and the AMA strongly backs that recommendation.

"The AMA does not believe Australia will gain any significant commercial or quality advantage by allowing offshore manufacturers to tender for the supply of these services, through arrangements made under Australia's Free Trade Agreement with the United States.

"The availability of safe, reliable blood plasma products must not be compromised by any changes to the current arrangements."

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) plays an important regulatory role in ensuring a high level of safety and quality in the supply of blood plasma products - a role Dr Yong said must continue.

"The oversight of the TGA is critical to the maintenance of good manufacturing practice and safety standards," he said.

"The AMA believes off-shore manufacturers cannot make the same guarantee regarding the safety, quality and continuity of supply of plasma products.

"We have strongly urged the Federal, State, and Territory Health Ministers to protect Australian patients by keeping these services in Australia."

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