
Health Equality for Indigenous Australians

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said today that the AMA, a member of the Close the Gap coalition of health groups, fully supports renewed efforts to tackle the 17-year gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

The AMA was a signatory in support of Close The Gap Statement of Intent, which was signed today by the Prime Minister and Indigenous health leaders.

The AMA has long called for action on Indigenous smoking rates and strengthening the Indigenous health workforce, and so welcomes the Prime Minister's announcement of more than $30 million in funding in these areas.

Dr Capolingua said the National Indigenous Health Equality Summit has been a momentous event where many key targets and timelines for action to close the gap within 25 years have been agreed.

"Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders have the poorest health of any group living in this country," Dr Capolingua said.

"It is unacceptable for any Australian in 2008 to have the life expectancy of people living 100 years ago before medical advances and a modern health system - but that is the plight facing many Indigenous people today.

"Just like any Australian, Indigenous people deserve access to quality medical services where and when they need them.

"All governments must properly fund and resource accessible health services and programs for Indigenous communities, and that's just the beginning of what needs to be done.

"We must accelerate efforts in Indigenous communities to address chronic disease management, and decreasing the number of low birthweight babies must be a priority if the resolve of the Summit is to become a reality for Indigenous people."

Dr Capolingua said the Close the Gap campaign had strengthened partnerships between health groups and all levels of government.

"We fully endorse the need for evaluation and reporting on our progress so that the goodwill generated by the Summit will carry Australia forward in closing what for too long has been a shameful gap.

"We must have tight timelines and focussed evidence based activity to make these goals happen.

"We cannot yet again allow ourselves to permit inertia to retard progress.

"The AMA continues its commitment to Indigenous health and closing the gap, and will work with the Government and other key health organisations to help provide better health services for Indigenous Australians."

To close the gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, the AMA recommends:

  • an immediate investment of around $500 million a year to build primary care services,
  • building on the Government's election promises and today's announcements by the Prime Minister to promote healthier lifestyles in Indigenous communities,
  • a commitment to increasing the number of health professionals from Indigenous backgrounds, and
  • investment in other social determinants of health - in particular education, housing, physical infrastructure, and economic development.

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