Media release

Health Budget 2001 - "Steady as she sinks"

The AMA tonight labelled Michael Wooldridge's Health Budget as a lightweight exercise that does nothing to prop up an ailing Medicare.

AMA President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, said in Canberra tonight that the Australian health system needs underpinning through implementation of the Relative Value Study (RVS).

"The Health Minister has washed his hands of the RVS and, in doing so, has given up on Medicare," Dr Phelps said.

"Dr Wooldridge has delivered a mish-mash with no direction at a fraction of the cost identified by the well-targeted, future-looking RVS programs.

"This budget does nothing for patient gaps.

"It does nothing for public hospitals. Waiting lists for operations will still be long.

"Indigenous health has been completely ignored.

"And while the major problems in aged care are well known, nothing has been done to address them.

Dr Phelps said the programs for asthma, diabetes, cervical cancer, mental health and alcohol abuse may look good in isolation, but their implementation is open-ended and surrounded by red tape and hoops for GPs to jump through to get the funding.

"The Budget looks like a Fly-Buys scheme for GPs and their patients, but with uncertain rewards" Dr Phelps said.

"This is a Budget of photo opportunities for Michael Wooldridge.

"The AMA will be calling on all GP groups to walk away from the Government's MoU. Doctors and patients should not be held hostage by such a feeble and ill-directed Health Budget."

Dr Phelps will give a more detailed response at a press conference in Canberra tomorrow.

CONTACT: John Flannery (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

Sarah Bucknell (02) 6270 5472 / (0419) 440 076

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