Media release

Greens National Health Plan - strong on public health, weak on bigger picture

AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said today that the Greens National Health Plan includes some positive public health initiatives but has little to say about the major issues affecting our public hospitals, medical workforce, or general practice and primary care.

Dr Pesce said that the Greens’ policies on cigarettes, alcohol, food labelling, junk food and obesity are very similar to the positions held by the AMA.

“The proposed 1.5 per cent levy on junk food and alcohol advertising would be a welcome first step but any revenue raised from the levy must be used for alcohol and obesity education, prevention and treatment programs,” Dr Pesce said.

“The AMA supports policies that help to stop people smoking and promote safe alcohol consumption.

“We support the Greens’ policy to end junk food advertising in children’s television viewing time.

“And we support moves to address the alarming obesity levels among Australians of all ages, but especially among our children.

“We note from the official Greens website that the Greens have a policy to consider a management plan for the health risks to Australians posed by climate change, which is consistent with AMA policy.

“The AMA opposes the Greens’ policy to abolish the private health insurance rebate, which is also featured on their website.”

Dr Pesce said that the Greens need a more detailed and comprehensive National Health Plan if it is seeking to be the ‘balance of power’ Party in the Senate.


2 August 2010

CONTACT:     John Flannery                       02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                   Geraldine Kurukchi                 02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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