
GPs Provide Comfort for New Parents

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said today that GPs provide comfort to new parents that goes beyond the six week check and immunisation.

Dr Capolingua said the health and wellbeing of new babies and young children is constantly on the mind of parents, and GPs can provide the right advice, guidance, and reassurance to reduce the worry and anxiety of parenting.

"GPs monitor the development and health of new babies and can assist with advice around sleep management, breast feeding, nutrition, immunisation, and all the questions that parents have about their baby and its uniqueness," Dr Capolingua said.

"The GP also looks after the parent and reminds them not to neglect their own health. The doctor is aware of the strains that can occur when there is a new baby in the home and is sensitive to the responses of the whole family, including siblings.

"Early childhood health is crucial and the GP is important in the recognition of potential problems, the early detection of health concerns, and in the identification of at-risk children.

"Early childhood intervention programs, before and soon after birth, can have a positive effect on a child's mental and physical health in both the short and long term."

The AMA says these interventions should include home visiting services for parents of newborns, parenting education, access to early child development support programs, and ongoing medical and health services.

"GPs play a vital role in connecting families with services for early childhood, in the management of problems, and referral to paediatric medical specialists."

This week is AMA Family Doctor Week 2007 - a celebration of the hard work performed all around Australia every day by devoted GPs.

The Family Doctor Week theme this year is Your GP: Part of the Family. All this week the AMA will be highlighting the key role that GPs play in the life of every Australian family in all stages of life.

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