Media release

GPs get support to train new GPs

The AMA welcomes today’s announcement that the Federal Government has increased funding for GP supervisors who are teaching and training the next generation of GPs.

AMA Vice President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said the 20 per cent increase in the supervision allowance acknowledges the dedication of GP supervisors to preserve and promote the vital role of general practice in the Australian health system.

“We have to support our family doctors – this generation and the next,” Dr Hambleton said.

“GP supervisors make an enormous contribution to health care in Australia by training future GPs to serve the community.

“These hardworking GPs play an unsung role and receive a small amount of compensation to cover the additional costs they face in undertaking this vital training work.

“They know that general practice is a special calling and they want young doctors to share the unique rewards of serving patients and communities as the local family doctor.”

Dr Hambleton said that the Government has provided big increases in GP training numbers and it is essential that doctors fill these extra training places.

“We need to build a general practice workforce in sufficient numbers to serve the growing health needs of the community, especially in rural areas.

“This funding increase, although modest, will help encourage more GPs to become involved in teaching and training and gives greater recognition to the additional costs involved in providing this important function.

“The AMA is constantly calling for more support and assistance for GPs and we welcome the Government’s recognition of this vital training role,” Dr Hambleton said.


23 June 2010


CONTACT:   John Flannery             02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                  Geraldine Kurukchi     02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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