Media release

GP Super Clinics – another example of failing to consult with the medical profession

AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said today that the admission by the Government that it established GP Super Clinics in certain locations before assessing the medical service needs of the areas is another example of making big health policy decisions without proper consultation with the medical profession and local communities.

Dr Pesce said it does not make sense to build big new clinics in places where there are already sufficient numbers of GPs to serve the local population.

“A simple process of seeking advice from the medical profession through the AMA would ensure that valuable health dollars would be invested where they are needed the most,” Dr Pesce said.

“Why build Government-subsidised GP Super Clinics in places where they will compete with GPs who have served those communities for years?

“Patients want access to doctors and medical services and, through them, to any necessary allied health and nursing services.

“But as we have seen already, some GP Super Clinics may be giving people access to new buildings but not new doctors.

“In some locations, the Clinics may draw doctors away from existing practices so there is no net gain for the community. That is not a smart investment.

“The AMA recommends that the Government redirect funding from any proposed GP Super Clinics that are not yet finalised or contracted into GP infrastructure grants for existing general practices so they can expand to provide more services for their communities.

“The priority should be to build on the GP services that are established and working, not compete with them and run them out of business.

“It is vital that all Australians have access to quality primary health care services.

“The Government can do much better in achieving this goal if it consults more closely with doctors and communities,” Dr Pesce said.

9 February 2010

CONTACT: John Flannery             02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

               Geraldine Kurukchi       02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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