
Government's intergenerational report on health and aged care

AMA President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, said today the Government's Intergenerational Report on Health and Aged Care for 2042 is a reasonable initiative but will be a complete waste of time unless significant structural change to the health and aged care systems occurs now.

Dr Phelps said the Government is sending the wrong signals with the report by releasing it in the Budget context, which would indicate putting cost considerations ahead of positive health outcomes for the community.

"The rhetoric around this report is disappointing given the positive vibes coming out of the recent Health Ministers meeting," Dr Phelps said.

"On 5 April, the Health Ministers said they wanted to put health outcomes ahead of health funding in their deliberations over the Australian Health Care Agreements (AHCAs).

"Their joint communique stated: "Commonwealth/State relations in the Health arena should focus on provision of best care and health outcomes regardless of jurisdictional boundaries."

"Given the recent history of AHCAs, this is visionary stuff and is warmly welcomed by the medical profession and patients.

"A pure funding focus in the Budget context is not the way ahead for health and aged care.

"While it is welcome that the Government is looking at the long-term funding, the AMA would prefer to see the focus on positive health outcomes and some evidence of immediate structural change.

"Otherwise, a snapshot of 2042 is not worth much.

"Along with a commitment to restructure the AHCAs, the key to structural change to ensure the future of Medicare is the Relative Value Study (RVS), a seven-year research effort that was ignored by former Health Minister, Dr Michael Wooldridge.

"If the Treasurer were to fix the AHCAs and embrace the RVS and implement its recommendations in the short-term, his 2042 snapshot would have more chance of not being seen as a negative.

"The Treasurer is taking a big risk releasing this report at Budget time. If the rumoured big cuts to the PBS and other key health programs come through in the Budget, people will doubt the Government's long-term commitment to improving the health and aged care sectors," Dr Phelps said.

CONTACT: John Flannery (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

Sarah Crichton (02) 6270 5472 / (0419) 440 076

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