
Government will see veterans out of pocket for health care

"Over 380,000 veterans could now be forced to pay medical expenses if the Government refuses to set realistic fees for the treatment of veterans," said Dr Kerryn Phelps, AMA President.

"For years doctors have provided care for veterans for the Medicare scheduled fee," she said.

"Over 2,500 GPs have been forced to drop out of the Department of Veterans Affairs Local Medical Officers scheme, which provides veterans with free medical services through the Department of Veterans Affairs.

"The Memorandum of Understanding between the Australian Medical Association and the Department which set out arrangements for payments through the scheme, expired in December 2002 and has not been renewed.

"The AMA has lobbied the Government for over a year, calling for more realistic payments to doctors who provide these services and who are not in a position to extend the MoU at the current rates.

"The AMA's fax poll to members in August 2002 indicated that if the Government did not do something about the fees, 40 per cent of doctors would be forced to pull out of the scheme, leaving veterans without access to fully-subsidised medical care.

"The average age of veterans is 75. These people have complex medical needs that demand special care.

"Almost fifteen per cent of doctors have already been forced to pull out of the scheme because the current fee is too low for the services provided.

"If the fee issue for the care of veterans is not urgently addressed, the existing special arrangements for their care will collapse and veterans will have to rely on Medicare, paying out-of-pocket expenses for the first time.

"Thirty June this year will see all remaining LMO contracts, signed late last year, expire. Many of those doctors have indicated to Government that they will not renew their contracts.

"The AMA has warned the Government for some time that doctors would leave the scheme unless the fees were increased to reflect the cost of treating veterans.

"The AMA believes the Government should honour its commitment to provide fully subsidised private health care to this deserving group in our community, particularly at a time when troops are being deployed overseas.

30 January 2003

CONTACT: Judith Tokley (02) 6270 5471 / (0408) 824 306

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