
Government Continues To Restore Proper Health Care for Veterans

AMA President, Dr Bill Glasson, said today that the budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) contains funding increases to ensure specialised anaesthetist services for war veterans, building on other veterans' health policies from the 2004 election.

Dr Glasson said the AMA welcomes the new funding of $30.4 million over four years from 1 July 2005, which will provide access for veterans to anaesthetist services appropriate to their complex health needs and age.

This comes on top of 2004 election promises of:

  • $98 million over for years for the Local Medical Officer (LMO) Scheme for general practice services, and
  • $158 million for the Repatriation Private Patient Scheme (RPPS) for specialist services. Anaesthetist services were excluded from this announcement.

These initiatives are complemented by new funding for veterans' access to allied health professionals ($18.2 million over four years) and dentists ($30.5 million over four years).

Dr Glasson said the funding increases are a small price for the community to pay to look after our national treasures - our war veterans.

"Our war veterans gave their all to defend our country and our people, and many are paying for their sacrifice with their health and quality of life as they grow older," Dr Glasson said.

"They have multiple health problems and complex health problems that require more time and attention from their doctors and other health professionals.

"As they were vigilant on our behalf, we must be vigilant on their behalf.

"We must closely monitor the ability of the LMO and RPPS schemes to continue to deliver the high quality of health care promised our veterans, particularly in areas where the medical workforce shortages mean the appropriate specialist care is not available locally.

"Veterans in Tasmania, especially, are finding it hard to access certain specialists and, in some cases, have to be flown to the mainland for care and treatment.

"The AMA commends the Minister and the DVA for acknowledging the unique problems and challenges of health care for veterans and coming good with funding in the election and the budget.

"It is a good sign that the Government is committed to providing the high quality of medical care our veterans deserve for as long as they need it," Dr Glasson said.

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