
Government adopts AMA policy to deliver better patient access to GPs after hours

The AMA congratulates the Government for supporting AMA calls for better patient access to urgent after hours general practice care with the introduction of revised Medicare items to take effect from 1 March 2007.

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said today that the Government has acted on AMA advice that existing 'emergency' after hours items were outdated, hard for patients to claim, and did not reflect the urgency people have for quality GP care outside normal working hours.

The Government has made it possible for patients to seek care up to two hours prior to the start of the after hours period and still be able to claim a higher rebate if the doctor sees them during the after hours period.

"For example, a patient can call an after hours medical service at 6:30pm on a weekday and claim the higher rebate when they receive care after 8.00pm," Dr Haikerwal said.

"Previously, patients could not contact the after hours service before 8.00pm on weekdays to be eligible to claim the rebate.

"The title of the items will also be changed from 'emergency' to 'urgent'.

"These may seem like simple changes but they will make a world of difference for people, especially older people and families with young kids, who have accidents or get sick outside business hours.

"It is a victory for commonsense that will make quality GP services more accessible when they are needed.

"People simply do not plan to get sick or hurt only between the hours of nine-to-five.

"These changes will give patients greater peace of mind and will allow GPs to better plan their practices to provide after hours care in their communities."

Dr Haikerwal said the revised items are a good example of proper Government consultation in the development of a responsible policy change that will benefit patients and prevent the closure of many GP after hours services, especially locum services.

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