
Give kids a smoke free Christmas - AMA

AMA President, Dr Bill Glasson, today called on all Australian smokers to give children a smoke-free environment this Christmas.

Dr Glasson said parents, relatives and friends should make the effort to give up the smokes -especially around kids - these holidays.

To help Australian kids get a clean air environment, the AMA is today launching Smokefree Zone contracts, a practical way for kids to help their parents give up smoking.

"It's the gift of a lifetime - to put the health of your kids first," Dr Glasson said.

"When it comes to passive smoking, children have no choices.  They have little say about their safety and long-term health.  They depend on their parents to do the right thing.

"Our Smokefree Zone contracts are a fun way to address a very serious problem.  Last year, 103 children under the age of 15 died from illnesses caused by passive smoking.

The AMA Smokefree Zone contract, to be signed by parents, states that parents will:

  • try to give up smoking for good
  • only smoke away from home
  • never smoke near a child or while holding a child
  • never smoke in their home or car and never let other people do so
  • smoke outside, if they must smoke. 

"Children are particularly susceptible to the effects of passive smoking," Dr Glasson said.

"Their bronchial tubes are smaller and their immune systems are less developed, making them more likely to develop respiratory and ear infections when exposed to environmental tobacco smoke.

"Because they have smaller airways, children breathe faster than adults and consequently breathe in more harmful chemicals per kilo of their weight than an adult would in the same time.

"Evidence shows that exposure to passive smoking is associated with increased rates in children of lower respiratory illness, middle ear infection, asthma, and sudden infant death syndrome.  Childhood exposure to passive smoke has been linked to meningitis, cancer in adulthood, behavioural and learning difficulties, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

"Children whose parents smoke are more inclined to be smokers.

"The key is to stop parents smoking and we hope these contracts and this message go some way towards achieving this goal," Dr Glasson said.

The contract can be downloaded from the AMA's website at

CONTACT:         Judith Tokley             (02) 6270 5471 / (0408) 824 306

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