
General Practitioners the Keepers of Continuity of Care

A close and cooperative relationship between patients and their GP is the key to maintaining the level of continuity of care necessary to maintain good health throughout life.

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said today that enduring long-term partnerships with the family doctor are of great benefit to patients.

"The care provided by a GP over many years, and that GP's intimate knowledge of family health history, family and social dynamics, contributes greatly to patient management and ongoing care," Dr Capolingua said.

"The GP is forever an advocate for their patients, helping them to access the most appropriate care whatever their condition or location.

"Patients need a partnership with their GP that provides them with the information and guidance to make informed choices about agreed investigations, management and treatment.

"As the central care provider, the family GP can provide advice, refer patients to other services, and coordinate follow up for the patient. In this way, the GP is the central link, the case manager, who retrieves information from specialists and other health providers and can provide holistic care for the patient.

"As a community, it is essential that we hold on to the concept of the general practitioner.

"GPs are there for you and your family from birth to puberty, through adult life and old age, and to the grave.

"The continuity of care built up over many years in a doctor-patient relationship is a major asset in dealing with life, overcoming illness, and maintaining good health."

This week is AMA Family Doctor Week 2007 - a celebration of the hard work performed all around Australia every day by devoted GPs.

The Family Doctor Week theme this year is Your GP: Part of the Family. All this week the AMA will be highlighting the key role that GPs play in the life of every Australian family in all stages of life.

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