
Food, Glorious Food, But Watch Out for Hidden Bugs

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, today warned party goers to be on guard against food poisoning in the summer months.

Dr Haikerwal said with outdoor entertaining so much a part of Australian life it is important that care is taken when handling food.

"More than five million Australians are affected by foodborne illness or food poisoning every year," Dr Haikerwal said.

"Symptoms can be very nasty ranging from mild stomach pain and diarrhoea to serious vomiting and dehydration needing hospitalisation.

"Perishable food should be stored below five degrees celsius, which means refrigeration under most circumstances, to prevent food poisoning.

"Christmas is a time for relaxing with family, not queuing in hospital emergency departments," Dr Haikerwal said.

Tips for safe eating this Christmas:

  • When preparing food make sure that hands, clothes, equipment and kitchen surfaces are clean
  • If travelling to an event, try and cook the food at the event rather than pre-cooking
  • Don't use the same utensils for raw meats and cooked meats
  • Avoid leaving food in temperatures between 5 and 60 degrees Celsius where food poisoning bacteria grows best
  • Keep cold foods at or below 5 degrees Celsius - make sure there is sufficient room around containers to allow air to circulate to keep it at this temperature
  • Cook foods properly - all rolled and stuffed roasts, poultry, mince, sausages and liver need to thoroughly cooked. Steaks, chops, and solid pieces of meat can be eaten rare.
  • Keep hot foods steaming hot at over 60 degrees Celsius
  • Refrigerate leftovers immediately after the meal and use within 2-3 days
  • When reheating food make sure it is steaming hot all the way through (at least 75 degrees Celsius)

For further comment please contact Dr Haikerwal.

27 December 2005

CONTACT: Dr Mukesh Haikerwal 0407 599 332

Judith Tokley (02) 6270 5471 / (0408) 824 306

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