
Fixing Indigenous Health and Stepping Up the Fight Against Obesity Top AMA Budget Wish List

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, today called on the Federal Government to use next year's Budget to lead an assault on two of the biggest challenges confronting the health of the nation - the poor state of Indigenous health and the tightening grip of obesity on our community, particularly our young.

The Association's recommendations on these and other health priorities are set out in the AMA's Federal Budget Submission 2007-08.

Dr Haikerwal said obesity is attacking the lives and quality of life of millions of Australians and we must urgently take action to get Australians active and eating properly.

"There has been a lot of talk around combating obesity but now it is time for action - serious action," Dr Haikerwal said.

"It will require significant funding and unprecedented cooperation between all levels of government and we will need education and catalysts to get the whole community working towards a fitter, not a fatter, Australia. Our kids deserve no less."

Dr Haikerwal said the appalling state of Indigenous health remains a sad indictment of our failure to address a major crisis in human health.

"Our international reputation and our national conscience demand a concerted coordinated effort to bring the health of Indigenous Australians into the 21st century - and it must be done with commitment and compassion. Next year's 40th anniversary of the referendum on self-determination provides the perfect backdrop for an Indigenous health solution," he said.

"The AMA's third priority is aged care. A missing component of our aged care system is easy access to comprehensive health care from a GP or under the direct supervision of a GP. In our submission, we present to the Government affordable and practical solutions to give older Australians quality health care in their twilight years.

"The other elements of our submission are all about planning for a medical workforce in the right numbers and with the right skills to keep Australians healthy, and making better use of the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) and Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule (PBS) to ensure every health dollar delivers a health benefit to patients.

"We also offer the Government a long term care scheme for people with severe disabilities to ensure money goes to people in need, for proper care, irrespective of how their disability arose, and not just those who can find someone to sue.

"The AMA Budget Submission is all about quality health care for all Australians. We urge the Government to examine it closely and act on its recommendations."

The full AMA Budget Submission 2007-08 can be viewed here.

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