
Fels' Taskforce Makes Smart Start on 'Smartcard'

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said today that apart from longstanding concerns about privacy, security and confidentiality, the AMA is generally positive about the first discussion paper released by Professor Allan Fels' Access Card Consumer and Privacy Taskforce.

Dr Haikerwal said the AMA remains strongly opposed to any moves to make the health and social services access card (the card formerly known as Smartcard) developing into a de facto national ID card, and the report addresses this concern to a degree.

"The AMA agrees with Professor Fels that open and transparent consultation is the key to winning the public trust necessary to make the card a reality," Dr Haikerwal said.

"So we welcome the Taskforce's commitment to reflect the views of the community regardless of the Government view.

"The independence of the taskforce is paramount, particularly on matter s of privacy.

"The recent watering down of privacy provisions in social security legislation shows that legislation may not offer adequate protection, and this is something the AMA will discuss with the Taskforce.

"Another key area is e-health functionality for the card into the future.

"We are comfortable with safeguards around the existing concept of the access card and the contemporary technology that supports it, but we feel more needs to be done to provide consumer confidence in possible future functions for the card and how its role and use will change with new technology.

"The Taskforce must establish a process that monitors and governs future functions and technology associated with the card, including the possibility of limiting future functions.

"A key issue the Taskforce will need to address is the long term management of access card governance issues once the Taskforce has finished its work. Will it reside within a Government Department? How will independence be maintained?

"If the overall responsibility for financial management and overall governance of the access card stays within Government, then the public must be assured that this is a privacy enhancing measure rather than a privacy risk.

"Professor Fels sees his Taskforce's work as 'how can we best ensure that a technology which was designed to do one thing does not get diverted or perverted in to doing something quite different'. The AMA agrees.

"The AMA will continue to work with Human Resources Minister, Joe Hockey, and Professor Fels and his Taskforce and will watch closely to ensure that the access card delivers tangible benefits and security to the Australian public," Dr Haikerwal said.

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