
Federal Health Budget 2003-2004: "Nothing left to say"

AMA President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, said tonight that the Federal Health Budget provides nothing of substance to offset the disappointment of the inadequate and ill-directed 'A Fairer Medicare' package.

Dr Phelps said the big ticket items - the Medicare package and the Australian Health Care Agreements (AHCAs) offer to the States - have already been released and been met with a generally negative response from doctors and patients.

"This health budget owes more to creative accounting than a commitment to Medicare," Dr Phelps said.

"Money is being moved from one program to another with only short term effects in mind.

"At the end of the day the Budget lacks the big boost to funding and ideas necessary to set the Australian health system up for the long term, not just the electoral term.

"The Treasurer said in January there would be no new money for Health - he was right.

"Although not expected, a reworking of 'A Fairer Medicare' would have been welcome - especially given the almost universal bucketing the package has received.

"There are some good things in this Budget - the sorts of things you'd expect to reflect contemporary situations.

"The AMA believes efforts to control the effect of SARS are inadequate for the Australian community. Greater focus must be given to the role of the GP as a frontline defence.

"Previously announced initiatives such as medical indemnity support for rural obstetricians are welcome, but more needs to be done overall on indemnity before 1 July.

"We will look closely tonight at the Education Budget. If the leaks are correct and the cost of getting a medical degree puts a medical career further out of reach of smart students who are not wealthy, there will be further pressure on Australia's medical workforce into the future," Dr Phelps said.

The AMA will closely examine the Budget papers overnight and provide a more detailed response at a Media conference at AMA House, Canberra, at 11.00am tomorrow.

CONTACT: John Flannery (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

Judith Tokley (02) 6270 5471 / (0408) 824 306

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