Media release

Federal Election 2010 - Health must be the top priority

AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said today that health policy must be the top priority for all parties in the Federal election.

Dr Pesce said there had been a strong expectation from the Australian people that the health reform process of the last couple of years would deliver better hospitals, better health services in the community, and better access to doctors.

“The AMA has supported the push for health reform, but now is the time for detailed policy and evidence of reform at the coalface of health – the hospitals and medical practices and community health services across the country,” Dr Pesce said.

“People want more than promises – they want action.

“We need to see real changes that improve the lives of Australians and ease pressure on our strained doctors and health system.

“Elections are about choices, and Australians deserve plenty of information to make informed choices.

“The Government cannot rest on the health reforms already announced.  The reforms must translate into more hospital beds, greater support for family doctors, better-resourced hospitals, and overall improved access for people to quality health services.

“Much more is needed in aged care, mental health and Indigenous health.

“The Coalition now has the chance to roll out strong policies across the health spectrum to make this election a health election – good health policy wins votes and good health policy changes votes.

“The AMA has been engaged in the health reform process and has supported policies that benefit patients and has been openly critical of poor policy.

“We will remain engaged with good health policy from both sides.

“The important thing is that all parties put the health of the Australian people first during this election,” Dr Pesce said.



17 July 2010


CONTACT:     John Flannery                           02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                   Geraldine Kurukchi                     02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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