Media release

Federal AMA welcomes National Health Agreement

AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said tonight that the Federal AMA welcomes the signal that a genuine national commitment to health reform has emerged form today’s COAG meeting.

Dr Pesce said that the fact that all Australian governments are party to a Heads of Agreement on health reform means that all our political leaders are putting patients ahead of politics.

“There is still a long way to go, but tonight we finally have consensus and commitment from all our governments to fix our health system,” Dr Pesce said.

“We will have a national health system that is transparent, economically responsible, and geared to providing the best possible outcome for patients.

“There are promises of more beds, more money, greater transparency, more local control, greater clinician input, and less red tape.

“If delivered, this is a recipe for a better health system.

“As always, the devil will be in the detail.

“The AMA will watch closely to ensure that GPs remain the foundation of primary care and that health funding goes directly to the services that will make a difference.

“It is imperative that funds from the National Funding Pool are delivered as directly as possible to the Local Hospital Networks.

“We also call on the Prime Minister to deliver on her promise of turning tonight’s deal into meaningful long-term health reform that benefits all Australians.”

Dr Pesce said that it is vital that Medicare Locals must support general practices, and not divert services from GPs or engage in fundholding arrangements that divert funding from GPs and their patients.

“The AMA will be asking the Government for a clarification on the Prime Minister’s remarks on Friday about Medicare Locals and fundholding,” Dr Pesce said.



13 February 2011

CONTACT:         John Flannery                       02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

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