Media release

Family doctors play an important role in the lives of older Australians



AMA Family Doctor Week 16-22 July 2012 

AMA President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said today that older Australians rely heavily on family doctors to help them maintain awareness and control of their medications and treatments.

Dr Hambleton said that family doctors are just as important to people in old age as they have been throughout the other stages of life.

“It is vital that older Australians have easy access to their family doctor in their later years, be they living at home or in a residential aged care facility,” Dr Hambleton said.

“Many older people are suffering from complex and chronic conditions, and many have limited mobility.  Their need for quality health services is often significant.

“The family doctor is the central point of contact for their elderly patients and their medical specialists and other health service providers.

“The family doctor can help older patients navigate the aged care system by assisting them to get community care packages and, when the time comes, informing them and their families about residential aged care facilities.

“Family doctors will review advanced health directives with their elderly patients and make sure that they discuss issues such as enduring power of attorney with their family and carers.”

You can view Dr Hambleton’s YOU AND YOUR FAMILY DOCTOR: OLD AGE message at

Family Doctor Week is a celebration of the hard work and dedication of the nation’s family doctors – the GPs who serve local communities in the cities, the suburbs, rural centres, country towns, and remote areas of Australia.

This year, the theme is Family Doctor Week: For a Lifetime of Trusted Care.

Each day this week, the AMA will focus on a stage of life and the key role that family doctors play in helping their patients throughout that stage.


21 July 2012


CONTACT:         Kirsty Waterford                  02 6270 5464 / 0427 209 753

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