Media release

Family doctors - highly trained, highly skilled

AMA Family Doctor Week 19-25 July 2010

AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said today that all primary care policies released during this election campaign must acknowledge the unique specialised skills of family doctors and support their central role in primary care in Australia.

Dr Pesce said it takes many years of intense study and training to arm family doctors with the specialised knowledge and skills needed to provide holistic health care to the Australian population.

“Our family doctors are highly trained, highly skilled, and dedicated to their patients,” Dr Pesce said.

Recent research conducted for the AMA by Essential Research shows that many Australians underestimate how much training it takes to be a family doctor, with 67 per cent of patients believing that GPs train for about seven years or less.

Dr Pesce said the reality of general practice training is very different.

“Most family doctors will have spent 10-15 years in training before they can receive formal qualification as a GP,” Dr Pesce said.

“Many patients don’t understand that it takes many years of intensive study, specific training and experience for family doctors to build the knowledge they need to confidently diagnose and treat an enormous range of conditions – from the mildly uncomfortable to life-threatening illnesses.

“And their training doesn’t stop once they have received formal qualification.

“Family doctors are required to undertake regular professional development activities in order to keep their skills up to date and to ensure they are providing the best possible care to their patients.

“When you consider the breadth of care and the personal nature of the care provided in general practice, it is easy to understand why family doctors are so highly valued by their patients.

“Family doctors are the natural leaders in primary care and they must be strongly supported by the Government.  The AMA will judge primary care policies on the amount of support they provide for family doctors.

“The AMA will tomorrow release its Key Issues for the 2010 Federal Election document, which includes measures targeting general practice,” Dr Pesce said.




20 July 2010


CONTACT:         Geraldine Kurukchi              02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

                       Kirsty Waterford                  02 6270 5464

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