
Family Doctor Week - Get Your GP To Help You Stop Smoking...For Good

AMA President, Dr Bill Glasson, said today that one of the many good uses of a GP is as a 'give up smoking' resource.

Dr Glasson said that research has clearly shown that getting advice from a GP is an effective way to increase a smoker's chances of quitting smoking for good.

"There are many options available to help people to break the smoking habit and it makes sense for smokers to discuss what is best for them with their family doctor.

"This may include, among other things, the use of patches, the use of Quitline services, or the prescription of a pharmaceutical drug.

"But the first step - the decision to quit - is always the hardest.

"The AMA believes that medical advice and assistance from a GP is a strong and convincing message that giving up smoking is a great idea." Dr Glasson said.

According to the Smoking Cessation Guidelines for Australian General Practice, the health benefits of quitting are as follows:

12 hours

• almost all the nicotine has been metabolised

24 hours

• blood levels of carbon monoxide have dropped dramatically

5 days

• most nicotine by-products have been removed

• sense of taste and smell improve

6 weeks

• risk of wound infection after surgery substantially reduced

3 months

• cilia begin to recover and lung function improves

1 year

• risk of coronary heart disease is halved after one year compared to continuing smokers

10 years

• risk of lung cancer is less than half that of a continuing smoker and continues to decline

15 years

• risk of coronary heart disease the same as a non-smoker

• 10 to 15 years after quitting the all-cause mortality in former smokers declines to the same level as people who have never smoked.

Family Doctor Week runs from 11 to 17 July, and is supported by American Express.

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