Media release

Extra $5 billion needed for mental health

AMA Position Statement on Mental Health 2011

The AMA is calling on the Federal Government to provide an extra $5 billion in funding over four years to expand health and social services to ensure that there is a properly resourced, coordinated and supported mental health system in Australia.

Releasing the AMA’s first formal Position Statement on Mental Health today, AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said that all Australians with a mental illness deserve to have ready access to quality mental health care based on their particular needs.

“This requires a significant expansion of services, intervention, and support across the whole continuum of care for people with mental illness,” Dr Pesce said.

“This also requires a significant funding boost to address the gaps in our current mental health services and enable the delivery of comprehensive, integrated and coordinated mental health services for all people who may develop an acute or chronic mental illness at any stage of their lives.

“The AMA is urging the Government to make an investment of at least an extra $5 billion over four years to make a real difference in responding to the ever-increasing mental health care needs in the Australian community.”

The AMA Position Statement on Mental Health identifies immediate priorities for Government action including more investment and improved service delivery arrangements to support the following:

  • Prevention, destigmatisation and community understanding;
  • Early identification and intervention;
  • Community–based care;
  • Aged care;
  • Subacute care;
  • Acute care;
  • Crisis and outreach care;
  • Special needs groups; and
  • Social, environmental and economic determinants of mental health.

The Position Statement is available on the AMA website at


29 March 2011


CONTACT:         John Flannery                          02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                       Geraldine Kurukchi                    02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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