
Excellent Work by State and Territory AMAs Recognised

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, last night presented the Presidents and CEOs of State and Territory AMA organisations with awards for outstanding work in lobbying and communication.

The categories for the awards were Best Publication, Best Website, Best Public Health Campaign, and Best Lobby Campaign.

The winners were:

Best Publication Canberra Doctor, AMA (ACT)

The judges said Canberra Doctor has consistently interesting content, tackles lots of 'industrial issues', and covers a wide range of topics without the 'fluff' of other more expensive publications.

Best Website AMA Western Australia

The judges said the AMA WA website has a consistent and visually appealing graphic design, is easy to read, and has a very good menu navigation system that exposes all areas of the website.

Best Public Health Campaign AMA Queensland - Kids GP

AMA Western Australia - Doctor Yes

The judges couldn't split these two high quality previous winners in this category. They said these two campaigns - providing education and advice around key child and youth health concerns - are getting bigger and more professional, and extending their reach into the community.

Best Lobby Campaign AMA Victoria - Remuneration Review

Among a field of hard-hitting and successful lobby campaigns, the AMA Victoria Remuneration Review impressed the judges that little bit more because it cleverly packaged a very difficult message around the working conditions of doctors. It worked a treat with the media and the community, convincing the Government to deliver a better deal for Victorian doctors and their patients.

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