
Education Seminars on Medicines Publication of Details By Medicines Australia

Medicines Australia (MA) has today posted on its website the details of all education events provided or sponsored for healthcare practitioners by MA member companies. The ACCC has said that the publication of company events is the best way to bring greater public accountability for these events.

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said today that pharmaceutical company sponsored education seminars providing doctors with new information about medicines must comply with the MA Code of Conduct.

Dr Capolingua said that the AMA supports the delivery of this information because it is in the best interests of patients that doctors are fully informed about new or improved utilisation of medicines.

"New and improved medicines save lives and improve the quality of life for Australians with illness," Dr Capolingua said.

"Pharmaceutical companies who research and develop medicines have the most extensive information about a therapeutic drug, including its benefits and possible side-effects, and pass on this information at education seminars.

"Currently, this is a rapid and readily available comprehensive source of education about these new or improved medicines.

"It is a great advantage for doctors who attend these education seminars to be able to interrogate the manufacturers of the medicine, discuss and look at the data, and gain knowledge before prescribing it for their patients.

"Doctor education for medicines is essential for the quality use of medicines. Doctors will prescribe appropriate medicines for patients based on clinical needs.

"We support the Medicines Australia Code of Conduct as the appropriate mechanism to rule out any inappropriate marketing and promotion by the pharmaceutical companies of their products. It is incumbent upon Medicines Australia to enforce its Code so that the community can have confidence in the integrity of these education programs," Dr Capolingua said.

The AMA supports an efficient, financially viable, and innovative pharmaceutical industry. Australians are very fortunate to have relatively quick access to new medicines that are safe and affordable. The AMA Code of Ethics maintains that doctors must safeguard their clinical independence and professional integrity from the influence of third parties. Doctors are highly trained health professionals. They are trained to think independently and to make decisions in the best interests of the patient.


Fact Sheet - Education Seminars on Medicines

Fact One: Australians have world-class access to quality medicines

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) ensures the quality, safety and efficacy of medicines. The regulatory framework is based on a risk management approach designed to ensure public health and safety, while at the same time freeing industry from any unnecessary regulatory burden. This ensures that the Australian community has access, within a reasonable time, to therapeutic advances.

The TGA also requires that promotional material produced by pharmaceutical manufacturers complies with the Code of Conduct.

Ongoing safety and quality is backed up by the Australian Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting System. State and Territory Governments regulate access to, and storage of, medicines.

Under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), Australians have reliable, timely and affordable access to a wide range of medicines at a Government-subsidised price. These medicines have been subjected to rigorous, independent evaluation.

Fact Two: The Medicines Australia (MA) Code of Conduct complements the regulatory framework

The MA Code sets the standards for the ethical marketing and promotion of prescription pharmaceutical products in Australia. The Code of Conduct is an extensive document, covering all aspects of marketing and promotion of pharmaceutical products, and MA member organisations self-regulate against the Code. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) requires Medicines Australia to publish six-monthly reports on expenditure on educational events.

Fact Three: Australians' health outcomes have been significantly improved by new medicines

Medicines play a vital role in improving patient health outcomes and in the fight against disease. For example, better medicines to manage heart disease have avoided the need for operations and allow people to have a better quality of life. Improvements to asthma medications have led to better health outcomes for children. Diabetes medications are assisting in the management of the disease.

Fact Four: Patients would expect their doctors to know about newly available medicines and advances with other medicines

To ensure their patients receive the best available treatment, doctors need timely information about the latest medical advancements.

Fact Five: Pharmaceutical companies have the information doctors need

A responsible pharmaceutical industry should provide ongoing, objective and scientifically valid interpretations of data on prescription medicines to doctors.

Fact Six: Educational events to inform doctors should meet the industry Code

The pharmaceutical company has responsibility to the MA Code. Doctors attending an educational event would expect it be in accordance with the MA Code.

Fact Seven: Educational events may attract continuing professional development points

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) accredits education providers and education activity representatives to provide education as part of the RACGP Quality Assurance and Continuing Professional Development Program. The program seeks to provide GPs with opportunities to participate in high quality educational activities that emphasise patient safety. Doctors attending an educational event that purports to have RACGP accreditation would expect it to be accurate and objective.

Fact Eight: There is a strong separation between prescribing and dispensing

There is no financial gain to doctors from prescribing one brand of pharmaceutical over another. The pharmacist dispenses the pharmaceutical and 97 per cent of decisions about what brand is dispensed occur at the pharmacy. In 2006, the Department of Health and Ageing confirmed that doctors tick the 'brand substitution not permitted' box in fewer than three per cent of scripts written.

Fact Nine: The AMA supports an efficient, financially viable, and innovative pharmaceutical industry

Australians are very fortunate to have relatively quick access to new medicines that are safe and affordable. Pharmaceutical companies can only be innovative when they are financially viable. Appropriate marketing of their products, in accordance with the MA Code of Conduct, should be free from criticism.

Fact Ten: The AMA Code of Ethics contains relevant provisions

The AMA Code of Ethics maintains that doctors must safeguard their clinical independence and professional integrity from the influence of third parties. In addition, the AMA has a Position Statement on the relationship between doctors and the pharmaceutical industry. The Position Statement advocates that professional interactions between doctors and the pharmaceutical industry should be transparent and must have as their primary objective the advancement of the health of patients rather than the self-interests of either doctors or the industry itself.

Fact Eleven: Doctors are highly trained health professionals

Doctors are trained to think independently and to make decisions in the best interests of the patient. Most doctors would find it offensive and inaccurate to suggest they would either prescribe a medication for a patient where one was not needed or prescribe an inferior medication on the grounds that the manufacturer of that product had conferred some benefit on the doctor.

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