Media release

Dr Ross Ingram Memorial Prize: competition deadline extended, new category

Do you have a story about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health that needs to be told?

Would you like your work to be published in Australia’s leading general medical journal?

The Medical Journal of Australia is waiting for your contribution!

In view of disruptions by natural disasters in several Australian States, and in recognition that some stories are better told using images, not words, the editors of the Medical Journal of Australia have decided to extend the deadline for this year’s Dr Ross Ingram Memorial Essay competition, and have created a new category for the prize.

We are looking for contributions that present original and positive ideas aimed at promoting health gains and health equity for Australia’s Indigenous peoples. After all, real insights and solutions come from within, not from without.

To enter, you need to be an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person who is working or studying in a health-related field.

The two categories are:

Essay: up to 2000 words long (see the Journal’s website to be inspired by previous winners).

Original artwork – health related: Submitted as a digital photograph, with a brief description of the message that the artwork is conveying.

Winning entries will be published in the Journal's Indigenous Health issue (16 May 2011), and attract a prize of $2000 each. Other essays or artworks of high merit may also be published.

The new deadline is Monday April 4 2011

Please visit our website or contact the Journal’s editorial department for more

Your words and images can make a difference.

The Medical Journal of Australia is a publication of the Australian Medical Association.

The statements or opinions that are expressed in the MJA reflect the views of the authors and do not represent the official policy of the AMA unless that is so stated.

CONTACT: Dr Ruth Armstrong 02 9562 6666 (business hours) Deputy Editor, MJA

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