
Dr Rosanna Capolingua To Serve Second Year As Federal AMA President

AMA President and Perth GP, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, will serve a second year as Federal AMA President.

Dr Capolingua was re-elected unopposed at close of nominations at 1.00pm today.

This is Dr Capolingua's second term as President of the Federal AMA, effective from the close of National Conference on Sunday 1 June 2008.

The positions of Vice President and Chairman of Council also were uncontested.

Dr Gary Speck, an orthopaedic spinal surgeon from Victoria, will serve a second year as Vice President.

Dr Dana Wainwright was re-elected Chairman of Council, a position she has held since 2003. A specialist in internal medicine, Dr Wainwright has a private practice in Brisbane and attends at the Royal Brisbane Hospital.

An election will be held for the position of Treasurer at the AMA National Conference in Hobart on Sunday 1 June 2008.

Dr Capolingua said today she was both proud and humbled to lead the AMA for another year.

"It has been an unforgettable and immensely rewarding experience - and an extraordinary honour - to lead the AMA and represent my colleagues," Dr Capolingua said.

"I look forward to tackling the challenges ahead."

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