Media release

Dr Kerryn Phelps announces "Every Body's GORGEOUS" video winner





AMA House

42 Macquarie Street




AMA Federal President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, will announce the winner of the AMA and Diners Club Public Health Community Service Announcement (CSA) Video Award, on Thursday 6th December 2001, in the 3rd Floor Conference Room at AMA House, 42 Macquarie Street, Barton, Canberra.

Dr Phelps will be joined by Ms Georgie Farmer, National Manager, Government Services, Diners Club, at the presentation.

This competition called on film and television students to make a major contribution to public health by creating a 30-second community service announcement on the theme "Every Body's GORGEOUS" to reinforce positive messages about body image.

The winner of the AMA-Diners Club Public Health CSA Award will be presented with a $5,000 Diners Club cheque, and an opportunity to have their community service announcement broadcast on Channel Nine.

Dr Phelps said the community needs to deliver an effective message to all Australians - regardless of age or gender - on developing respect for their bodies.

The AMA-Diners Club Public Health CSA Award is jointly sponsored by AMA and Diners Club and supported by Channel Nine.

CONTACT: Sarah Crichton (02) 6270 5472

AMA Public Affairs (0419) 440 076

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