
Don't Let Alcohol Spoil the Party

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, today encouraged party-goers to enjoy the festive season, but to pace themselves.

Dr Haikerwal said that in 2004 one in ten Australians consumed alcohol at risky levels with 20-29 year olds being the most likely to overindulge.

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) recommends a maximum of four standard drinks a day for men, and two for women.

It also recommends having at least two alcohol-free days in a week.

A standard drink contains approximately 10 grams of alcohol, equivalent to a 100 mL glass of table wine; a 60 mL glass of fortified wine; a middy of regular beer; or 30 mL of spirits.

"Some beverages will contain more than one standard drink so its important to check the label to know exactly what you're drinking," Dr Haikerwal said.

"This is especially important with Ready to Drink (RTD) mixes as these can contain up to two standard drinks. The sweet tastes disguises just how much alcohol is consumed.

"As a general guide, men can have two standard drinks in the first hour and one every hour after that.

"Women can have one standard drink in the first hour and one every hour after that.

"Women generally tolerate less alcohol than men. They can register a higher blood alcohol reading than men after consuming the same amount of alcohol. The contraceptive pill can also become less effective as their action is susceptible to the affects of alcohol," Dr Haikerwal said.

Tips to remember

  • Always drink in moderation
  • Don't drink and drive or operate machinery
  • Try to eat a substantial meal if you are planning on drinking. Avoid eating too many salty party snack foods, which will encourage you to drink more quickly.
  • Drink slowly and alternate with non-alcoholic or low-alcohol beverages.
  • Don't drink if you are pregnant.
  • Avoid topping drinks up: it's easy to lose count of how many you have had.
  • Nominate yourself as the designated driver if you wish to avoid alcohol.
  • If you are hosting a party offer plenty of non-alcoholic drinks
  • Remember you are a role model for children
  • Remember that you could still be over the limit the next morning after a large drinking session.

For further comment contact Dr Haikerwal.

28 December 2005

CONTACT: Dr Mukesh Haikerwal 0407 599 332

Judith Tokley 0408 824 306

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