Media release

Doctors' poll sends clear message to Health Minister: "listen to the AMA"

An independent survey of doctors by Australian Doctor newspaper shows that 90 per cent of GPs support the AMA's call on the Federal Government to fully implement the Relative Value Study (RVS).

AMA President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, said today that the survey sends a clear message to Health Minister, Dr Michael Wooldridge, that he must deal with the AMA on health policy, particularly in the areas of GP financing, the Medicare Benefits Schedule of fees, patient gaps, and industrial matters.

"This survey exposes the Minister's folly in excluding the AMA from all discussions and negotiations with Government over GP issues," Dr Phelps said.

"The AMA - with 27,000 members - is the only truly independent organisation representing doctors and, through them, the best interests of their millions of patients.

"But the Minister has chosen to deal solely with the RACGP and the ADGP - and at times the RDAA - but these are the groups that have no mandate from their members to enter these negotiations.

"One group's primary focus is training and education (or should be), and the other's core business is delivery of locally-based support services for GPs. Neither has the mandate, skills or inclination to negotiate with governments on industrial and medicopolitical issues.

"The AMA does. Just ask the GPs - AMA members and non-members alike.

"In fact, the survey shows that 83 per cent of GPs believe the RACGP's agenda with the Government would have a negative impact on the interests of GPs.

"Just 7.4 per cent of GPs support the tactics and approach of the RACGP, Dr Wooldridge's GP group of choice, which is why the Minister goes down this path of least opposition."

Dr Phelps said there is still time for Dr Wooldridge to shred his misbegotten health policies contained in the recent Budget leak and do something positive for Medicare, public hospitals, and GPs and their patients - not to mention diabetics and high-cholesterol sufferers - before the real Budget is handed down later this month.

"The contents of the Budget leak were an embarrassment to the Government, an insult to doctors, and sent shock waves through the ranks of Australians with serious and costly health problems," Dr Phelps said.

"I invite Dr Wooldridge to give the AMA a call to help him with his chronic health policy problems. It won't hurt a bit. I promise," Dr Phelps said.

CONTACT: John Flannery (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

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