
Doctor Provider Number Changes Would Cut Red Tape and Assist Rural Medical Workforce

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said today that simple changes to doctor provider number requirements would significantly cut the red tape and bureaucratic hurdles that currently deter doctors taking on relief work, particularly in rural areas.

Dr Haikerwal said that Medicare Australia opposes the changes because of cost, but the AMA believes the benefits to patients and rural communities in having access to medical services should override cost considerations that would turn into savings over the long term.

"Health Services Minister, Joe Hockey, has said he wants to streamline the functions of Medicare Australia and here is an opportunity to do just that," Dr Haikerwal said.

"The existing provider number requirements do not have the flexibility to allow the medical profession to cover shortages and ensure patients get access to care when they need it.

"Doctors currently must have a different provider number for every location that they work in - even if they just move next door.

"The application process for a new provider number is cumbersome and it takes around three weeks to have a provider number approved. And we have the ridiculous situation where some doctors need to have as many as 30 provider numbers to provide care to their patients in different areas.

"These time- and effort-consuming provider number requirements are big disincentives for doctors to take on locum relief work, particularly in rural areas.

"It means that rural practices and hospitals struggle to get doctors who can take on relief work while other doctors go on leave," Dr Haikerwal said.

The AMA Federal Council wants the Government to simplify the paperwork and allow doctors to have one provider number - which is portable.

To allow Medicare Australia to track the delivery of services, the AMA suggests the Government introduce a method of identifying practice location.

When a doctor moves to another practice, they will simply be able to use their existing provider number, which incorporates practice location, without having to re-apply for another number. This will save time by eliminating the paperwork and unnecessary bureaucracy.

"If the Government removes these cost and time burdens from doctors, medical services will be more affordable for Australians and access will be improved," Dr Haikerwal said.

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