Media release

Divisions of General Practice - foggy future ahead

With the introduction of the Government’s Medicare Locals scheme, the future role of Divisions of General Practice is unclear, according to an article published in the Medical Journal of Australia.

Professor Philip Davies, Professor of Health Systems and Policy for the School of Population Health at the University of Queensland, analysed the potential future role of Divisions under the establishment of Medicare Locals.

Prof Davies said that the Australian Government intends for Medicare Locals to assume many of the roles currently undertaken by Divisions.

“Decisions by the Australian Government will play a large part in determining the future of Divisions,” Prof Davies said.

“Nevertheless, as independent organisations, Divisions themselves also have an opportunity to consider what role they wish to play in the changed health care environment.”

Prof Davies noted four possible options for the future direction of Divisions of General Practice:

  • Transforming into Medicare Locals;
  • Taking an ownership stake in a Medicare Local;
  • Becoming providers of services to Medicare Locals, and
  • Delivering Medicare Local services under contract – a form of ‘franchise’ approach.

“Divisions that choose to become Medicare Locals will undoubtedly become more firmly embedded in the machinery of Government.  Evidence from New Zealand and the UK, where similar changes have occurred, suggests that some of the benefits of clinical involvement that Divisions have previously offered may be lost as a result,” Prof Davies said.

“Divisions that seek to retain current levels of clinical involvement may find that other pathways prove more attractive.”

Prof Davies said that, whatever the future holds for Divisions, it is certain that they will become new organisations that bear scant resemblance to Divisions as they are currently known.

The Medical Journal of Australia is a publication of the Australian Medical Association.


The statements or opinions that are expressed in the MJA  reflect the views of the authors and do not represent the official policy of the AMA unless that is so stated.


CONTACT:     Professor Philip Davies                         0411 135 765

                    Ms Jan King                                        0413 601 248

                    Ms Marlene McKendry                           0401 996 847

                    (Media Office, Uni QLD)

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