
Compromise Must Not Weaken Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee

The compromise reached between the Government, Labor and the Democrats on the future of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) in the Senate on Thursday 7 December 2000 is a vast improvement on the Government's original proposals. However, it is vitally important that the Government adheres to the spirit of the agreement and makes appointments that ensure that the expertise and the independence of the Committee are maintained.

The President of the AMA, Dr Kerryn Phelps, welcomed the dropping of both the mandatory restrictions on the length of appointment to the Committee and the retrospectivity provisions that would have automatically disbarred some of the Committee's most experienced members.

We were also pleased to note that at least eight out of the twelve positions will be filled on the basis of nominations from relevant professional bodies.

Lobbying by the AMA and other key stakeholders clearly had an impact.

However, the AMA remains concerned that the transition process to the new Committee will not adequately provide for the transfer of expertise and experience. The Government must ensure that a carefully phased approach is implemented.

This Committee is crucial to the effective policies and management of drugs in the Australian health system. We have to make sure that the patients get the best treatment without costs spiralling out of control for expensive drugs that are important for the health of Australian patients.

"It is vitally important that, in both appearance and reality, PBAC cannot be seen to be subject to the influence of the major drug companies or subject to undue pressure from the Minister of the day or his/her department".

The AMA has provided fully competent professional nominees to PBAC over the years and the Association looks forward to maintaining these links and ensuring that a fully representative voice of the Australian medical profession plays a role in the deliberations of the new Committee.

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