Media release

Competition Council Plan Threatens Patient Care

The latest push by the National Competition Council (reported in today's Sun Herald) for 'looser entry rules' for doctors would erode standards and quality in medical care, the Federal President of the Australian Medical Association, Dr Kerryn Phelps, said today.

The National Competition Council is also reported as wanting to open the floodgates on advertising by doctors and other professions, leading to the prospect of advertising-driven demand for medical services.

"Australians expect and deserve high quality medical care," Dr Phelps said. "This quality is driven by Australia's medical colleges, which set standards and training requirements."

"The NCC appear to be arguing for open slather on training and advertising.

"This would be a dangerous move. Are we to see the Dodgy Brothers school of medicine?

"The practice of medicine is not like selling hamburgers.

"We are dealing with human life. The highest standards should apply to the training of every doctor.

"Open slather on advertising would also see the advent of advertising-driven demand for medical services.

"The medical colleges are not interested in closed shops - they are interested in getting the best for patients.

"The colleges work closely with government through the Australian Medical Workforce Advisory Committee to ensure that needs of the nation are met in terms of the number of doctors trained in each speciality.

"The National Competition Council's latest push needs public debate before any real damage is done. Do Australians really want open slather on training and advertising?" Dr Phelps asked.

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