
Commonwealth Must Not Abandon Mentally Ill

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, today said indications that the Commonwealth Government is backing away from mental health have set alarm bells ringing.

"People with mental illnesses and their families deserve Federal Government support and commitment - this is not the time to abandon an intense focus on mental health," Dr Capolingua said.

Intervention, investment and improvement in mental health services are required from all levels of government, she said.

"The states have a terrible record in funding mental health - this important issue should not be left to them alone," Dr Capolingua said.

"The AMA has grave concerns that without federal involvement, the states and territories would strip funding from community-based mental health services.

"Doctors know only too well the consequences of removing supports for mental health patients.

"Every day across the nation, mentally ill people desperate for help and respite come to hospital emergency departments and general practices.

"This isn't an intellectual issue to be sorted out between bureaucrats.

"It is a real issue that impacts on real families, real people, every day."

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