
Coalition's Health Plan Sets the Right Course But Lacks Funding Detail

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said today that the AMA commends the direction set by the Coalition's Plan for Better Public Hospitals and Health Care but would like to have seen more detail on implementation and funding.

Dr Capolingua said the aged care package of $248.4 million over four years was well targeted and should go some way towards setting the aged care sector up for improved access to aged care places. It would also ease bed block in the public hospital system, she said.

"The Coalition has responded to the key demands of more public hospital beds and more training places and programs for doctors," Dr Capolingua said.

"While the Coalition's intention is well articulated, there is insufficient detail and no information on how much funding will be directed at new beds. It relies on States being genuinely committed to public hospital beds and to come out and support such initiatives.

"Increased public hospital bed numbers are crucial if we are to reduce waiting times, ease the Emergency Department pressures, improve patient care, and have patients in the most appropriate clinical setting for their condition.

"The AMA supports the move to establish hospital boards, and will work with government to develop the appropriate model, which will need to include clinicians. We also welcome the move to more relevant hospital performance benchmarking.

"Much of the Plan depends on cooperation and take-up from the States and Territories."

Summary of the AMA response:

  • The commitment to go for more beds and get hospital bed occupancy down is good, but requires negotiation with the States and Territories,
  • Appropriate reporting for public hospitals is essential for accountability and performance,
  • AMA welcomes the re-introduction of hospital boards.
  • The money for General Practice in the Family Emergency Medical Centers, and increased patient rebates for emergency GP procedures and after hours attendances, are welcome. This initiative should not by itself be expected to ease the burden on Emergency Departments,
  • Aged care measures are all positive,
  • Commitment to more training places in public hospitals for doctors is welcome, and
  • Promise to look after rural and regional hospitals with fair share of future public hospital funding and increased bed numbers is welcome.

Dr Capolingua said that, overall, the policy is full of good intentions, but some aspects need more detail and demonstration of funding.

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