Media release

Coalition mental health policy a sound investment in a vital social service

The AMA today welcomed the Coalition’s additional mental health policy, and says investment in mental health must remain a high priority in the development of Australia’ssocial services.

AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said the Coalition’s announcement was a sound investment and would ease the strain on Australia’s overburdened mental health services.

“It is pleasing to see that the Coalition’s policy is based on recommendations of the Six Experts’ Plan,” Dr Pesce said.

“Australia suffers from a lack of mental health and early detection services.

“Where mental illness can be detected early and treated accordingly, the likelihood is that future demand for services will lessen.

“The Coalition’s commitment to fund a mental health research centre and mental health workforce training institute is a strong investment in the early detection of mental illness and improving access to mental health services.

“Addressing mental health is more than just about improving acute services.

“It’s a whole-of-life issue that includes providing the vital accommodation and workplace support to enable those with a mental illness to participate in the community.

“The Coalition’s promise to provide extra funding for existing employment services and coordinating accommodation would help people with mental illness to remain in the workplace and community while having decent housing and social services.

“Employment, housing, education, and social integration complete the continuum of services that are vital for people with mental illness.

“It is simply inadequate to address mental health without considering the vital accommodation and workplace support that will enable those with mental illness to function and prosper in the community.

“The AMA’s mental health policy calls for a comprehensive plan and investment strategy. The Coalition has gone a long way towards that.

“We eagerly await the Government’s proposals in this year’s Budget, and call on governments of all persuasions to get behind the further development of Australia’s mental health services,” Dr Pesce said.

21 April 2011

CONTACT: Geraldine Kurukchi 02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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