Media release

Choice of family doctor - preserving and protecting the doctor-patient relationship

AMA Family Doctor Week 19-25 July 2010

Recent AMA research involving feedback from 1510 general practice patients confirmed the strong relationship and trust that Australian patients have with their family doctor.

The research, conducted by Essential Research, showed that 88 per cent of Australians have a usual family doctor to care for them, 78 per cent visit their family doctor more than twice a year, and 83 per cent of people are very satisfied or satisfied with the medical care they receive from their family doctor.

Ninety-four percent of patients believe it is important to have a long-term relationship with the one family doctor who knows their medical history.

AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said today that when Australians are sick or injured or seek health advice they want to see a doctor – their own doctor.

“The doctor-patient relationship is an important part of health care,” Dr Pesce said.

“Family doctors are uniquely skilled and experienced to provide holistic care for patients, know their medical history, and manage their care throughout life.

“Continuity of care is all-important.

“The doctor-patient relationship is built on mutual trust, which is essential for the delivery of comprehensive and quality care.

“Every Australian has the right to see a family doctor of their choice as often as needed.

“We need health policies that will defend this right and provide support to ensure Australia has family doctors in sufficient numbers to serve all Australian communities well into the future.

“Training numbers have been increased, which is very welcome, but other recent decisions have the potential to have a negative impact on the personal doctor-patient relationship.

“The AMA urges the Government to re-examine closely its current proposals for providing care for people with diabetes to ensure that patients are cared for by their own family doctor, funding is not capped, and patients will not be required to surrender their Medicare rebate.

“We urge the Coalition to release its policies that support family doctors and which preserve and protect the doctor-patient relationship.

“Let the patients choose their family doctor – it is their right,” Dr Pesce said.




20 July 2010


CONTACT:         Geraldine Kurukchi              02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

                       Kirsty Waterford                  02 6270 5464

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