Media release

Calling all doctors - have your say on health reform

Doctors will have an opportunity to have their say on how to fix the health system at two meetings to be hosted by the AMA (NSW) in Sydney next week.

The Federal Government is considering the reports of the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission, the Preventative Health Taskforce, and the Draft Primary Health Care Strategy, ahead of developing its health policies for the next election.

The AMA wants to brief doctors on the recommendations in the various reports and hear back from the doctors how they think the system can be improved.

AMA Federal Vice President, Dr Steve Hambleton, and AMA (NSW) President, Dr Brian Morton, will discuss primary care reform at a forum for doctors at the Burwood Function Centre, 7-9 Burleigh Street Burwood, from 7.00pm on Tuesday 22 September.

AMA Federal President, Dr Andrew Pesce, and Dr Morton will run a forum on broader health reform at 6.30pm on Thursday 24 September at the John Loewenthal Auditorium at Westmead Hospital, cnr Hawkesbury and Darcy Roads, Westmead.

Dr Pesce said the reports being considered by the Government foreshadowed the most significant changes to the health system in more than 20 years.

“Doctors who attend the forums will hear the key reform proposals from the reports and some of the AMA’s ideas for investing in the health system outlined in plain language,” he said.

“We then want to hear from the participants what they want the AMA to tell the Government about health reform.

“Many doctors have already told me they are concerned that the central role of the GP in primary health care could be undermined as part of the health reform process.

“The AMA will fight to ensure patient access to GPs is not diminished as part of health workforce reform.

“Another key topic for discussion at the meetings is likely to be the need for public hospitals to be properly resourced and for more public hospital beds to be opened.”

The forums are open to all doctors to attend – not just AMA members.  Junior doctors and students are welcome to attend.

Doctors wishing to attend should call Kimberley Darby at AMA (NSW) on 02 9349 8822.

16 September 2009


John Flannery 02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761
Peter Jean     02 6270 5464 /  0427 209 753

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