
Call to invest in health in first Rudd Budget

Health must be spared the axe in the Rudd Government's first Budget, AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said today.

The Government's measures to rein in inflationary spending must take into account the increased needs that are evident in health," Dr Capolingua said.

"Australia boasts a world-class health system, but the system has been under pressure and is increasingly feeling the pinch.

"Investment in health care is an investment in the future of the nation. All Australians must be able to access the health care they need, when they need it. We have work to do to improve what we have and it will take further government investment."

The need for more Australian trained doctors has meant that Medical schools have been expanded dramatically in recent years, and the Government must now provide enough post-graduate training placements to guarantee the delivery of these highly trained doctors in to the work force of tomorrow.

"Resources and infrastructure need to be put in place to ensure that today's student doctors will get the experience they need," Dr Capolingua said. "These young doctors will be providing service and care to patients as they train."

"As inflation creeps steadily higher the Government must also assist patients by ensuring that Medicare rebates keep pace with the rising costs of health care."

Dr Capolingua said the AMA's Budget Submission promotes measures that support quality health care for all Australians, including Indigenous Australians and those living in rural and remote areas.

"Health outcomes for Indigenous Australians are completely unacceptable. To close the gap, there must be substantial and immediate increases in targeted health spending."

The AMA Federal Budget Submission 2008-09 also provides compelling arguments for significant Government investment in the following areas:

  • Revitalised Public Hospitals,
  • More Support for General Practice Nurses,
  • Aged Care Services,
  • Primary Prevention,
  • Prevention of Smoking, and alcohol abuse.

The AMA Federal Budget Submission 2008-09 is available online at

CONTACT: Kylie Butler 02 6270 5466 / 0417 652 488

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