Media release

Bulk billing decline continues - patients paying more for health care

When the Coalition's new Health Minister is announced next week, he or she will inherit a dead cat in the form of rapidly declining GP bulk billing rates, AMA Vice-President, Dr Trevor Mudge, said today.

Dr Mudge said the just-released figures for the September quarter show a sharp drop of 0.9 per cent since June to 76.1 per cent - down by 2.2 per cent over the last twelve months.

"Patients are paying more for their health care," Dr Mudge said.

"The sad thing is both the Government's and the Opposition's health policy for this election contained no initiatives to turn this trend around.

"The Medicare rebate for patients is far too low - as indicated by the Government's Relative Value Study (RVS). Everybody knows it but nobody is prepared to do anything about it.

"Doctors can no longer afford to subsidise Medicare.

"Unless the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) is updated to reflect the increased costs and complexity of general practice, patients will be faced with higher gap payments for important medical services and care.

"The most vulnerable in the community - the poor, the elderly, low income families with young children, the unemployed and the disadvantaged - will be worst affected."

Dr Mudge said the AMA would seek a meeting with the new Health Minister at the earliest opportunity to discuss the MBS and other health issues.

"The AMA and the medical profession are keen to get off to a good start to cement a positive working relationship with the new Minister," Dr Mudge said.

"We need to work together to find solutions to the many problems afflicting the Australian health system that are eroding Medicare.

"We will once again call on the Government to convene a National Health Summit so all stakeholders can contribute to fixing the system."

CONTACT: John Flannery (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

Sarah Crichton (02) 6270 5472 / (0419) 440 076



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