Media release

Budget makes it more expensive for people to see their family doctor for mental health care


AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said tonight that people will now have to pay more to see their family doctor for vital mental health care, advice, and referrals.

Dr Pesce said that the Government has dramatically devalued the role of the family doctor in managing community mental health by slashing the MBS patient rebate for GP Mental Health Plans to help fund its belated catch-up mental health package.

“The changes will take the family doctor out of the coordinating care role for people with mental health issues,” Dr Pesce said.

“We need to improve funding for mental health but this Budget decision gives with one hand and takes away with the other.

“This is not the right approach.  Devaluing the role of family doctors is a backward step that will seriously fragment medical and mental health care for those people who need it in the community.

“Family doctors are the preferred entry point for mental health care but the Government is now making it harder for people to get access to the care they need and reducing the amount of time that patients can spend with their GP.

“Many patients with mental health problems also have complex physical health issues. They need the holistic coordinating care that can only be provided by their family doctor.”

Dr Pesce said that a recent independent review of the mental health Better Access program found that 90 per cent of GPs had provided a service under the program, and more than 85 per cent of these patients had received a mental health care plan from their usual GP.

“This is a program that is working very well for patients and the Government now wants to meddle with it. 

“The Government has denied it intends to divert funds from direct patient care, but the package shows it will hand valuable mental health funding over to NGOs and to a new level of bureaucracy in Medicare Locals.

“The Government investment in mental health is welcome, but the cuts to frontline care through general practice will seriously undermine other initiatives,” Dr Pesce said.


10 May 2011


CONTACT:    John Flannery                        02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                  Geraldine Kurukchi                  02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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