
Body Piercing - Ask The Right Questions First

The President of the AMA, Dr Kerryn Phelps, today launched a new brochure, Ask Some Piercing Questions, to help educate people considering body piercing and to put a stop to the alarming casualties being treated by doctors when piercing goes wrong.

The brochure has been produced as part of the Commonwealth Bank Group and AMA Youth Health Advocate Program.

Dr Phelps said body piercing was growing in popularity in Australia and, as more people were getting pierced, there was a higher incidence of unsafe and unclean practice with some horrifying results.

"It's not just ears and noses these days," Dr Phelps said.

"More and more people are opting for pins and rings and studs in all sorts of places like the tongue, the navel, the lips, the cheeks, eyebrows, neck, breasts, and even the genitals.

"But this is presenting more areas where things can and do go wrong.

"Cauliflower ears because of cartilage infection, septicaemia, scar tissue on breasts and genitals, weeping wounds, Hepatitis B and C, and HIV/AIDS - these are just some of the potential side-effects of piercing done without prior thought or in a way that is not safe and hygienic," she said.

"It's not much fun for the doctors who have to clean up someone else's costly mistakes and it's less fun for kids who are scarred and scared after serious infection or worse.

"The message of our brochure is to ask the right questions first of the person doing the piercing.

"Do they use a sterilising unit? Do they dispose of used needles? Is the studio or room clean?

"Having a part of your body pierced is a very important decision and can have negative health effects if done poorly.

"Talk to parents and friends - even your doctor - before getting it done. The more the information, the lower the risk."

Dr Phelps said the brochures would be distributed to GPs' rooms and all AMA offices around Australia.

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