
A Bit More Movement Needed On 'Get Moving' Campaign

The AMA today welcomed the detail of the Government's 'Get Moving' obesity program, which is part of the Building a Healthy Active Australia initiative announced in 2004.

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said that physical activity is important for children and young people, especially around mental health and wellbeing, and supports these elements of the program.

"The AMA is encouraged that part of the focus is empowering parents and carers to be role models for children, but this should be just one part of a broader range of activities," Dr Haikerwal said.

"Additional support should be provided around the area of flat screen viewing. Any gains in getting children more physically active can be seriously and irreparably undermined by even half an hour's exposure to television junk food advertising.

"The Government has to play a much more active role in the battle against childhood obesity - it can't be left to the kids, their parents and carers, the problem is too entrenched.

"We urge the Government to show leadership regarding junk food advertising in children's television time.

"This will reinforce current messages.

"The temptation and the peer group pressure must be removed from view at these vulnerable viewing times," Dr Haikerwal said.

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