
The Ball is in the Government's Court

A funding injection of $900 million over the next two years would allow public hospitals to keep their 'heads above water', according to the AMA's Federal President, Dr Kerryn Phelps.

"We urge the Federal Government to adopt this and the other recommendations in the Senate's report into public hospital funding, released today," Dr Phelps said.

"An increase of $900 million would be in line with AMA calls for a funding boost of five to six per cent per annum to get public hospitals back on track," she said.

"We support the idea of the Commonwealth and States setting up a 'joint account' for public hospital funds which would significantly improve accountability.

"However, we will be seeking guarantees that any pooling of funds will not cap service provision as has been evidenced in some fund-sharing models, for example, in the UK."

Dr Phelps said any fundpooling arrangement should be trialled first.

"The AMA has played an active role in the Senate committee's inquiry into public hospital funding. We have attended the Senate's Roundtable discussions and fully support the recommendation to move to a system of open reporting and reviewing of funding based on a set of national standards," she said.

Dr Phelps said public hospitals had been absorbing serious financial pressures for decades - which had translated into unacceptably long waiting times for elective surgery, long hours for junior doctors, workforce shortages - all threatening patient care.

"This is a significant document and supports the calls by all health service providers for an end to cost-shifting and a need for urgent reform of the funding equation.

"It is government's choice: save our public hospitals from collapse or sit back and do nothing.

"The AMA is seeking a strong commitment of support for these recommendations from the Federal Health Minister," Dr Phelps said.

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