
'Australia's Demographic Challenges' light on detail for health and aged care

AMA President, Dr Bill Glasson, said today that the Government's statement on Australia's Demographic Challenges was very light on detail regarding the key areas of health and aged care.

Dr Glasson said the statement is a welcome addition to the community debate about the needs of our ageing population but there are no health and aged care solutions - or funding models - set out.

"The preventative measures outlined are admirable, but they should not be at the expense of existing health services," Dr Glasson said.

"In regard to health and aged care, the Treasurer's report is a 'grandmotherhood statement'.

"We can only hope the policy detail and funding promises appear in the May Budget.

"The AMA will make a submission in response to this statement to influence the long term health and aged care policy initiatives to care for older Australians.

"We need policies that look after aged care patients more in nursing homes, in their own homes, or other transitional care.

"And when they need hospital care, it should be available to them.

"There are thousands of hospital beds across Australia occupied by older people who are simply waiting to be moved to a better, more specialised environment.

"It is not their fault.  The aged care beds or home or other care services are simply not there.

"Care for the aged in the community is woefully lacking.

"Most older people would prefer to stay at home as long as possible, and as a community we must support their wishes.

"Hospital beds must be available for all people when they are sick or injured.

"It is estimated that a hospital bed costs around $900 a day, while a nursing home bed costs around $200 a day to provide.

"The economic argument is as compelling as the social and health arguments.

"Aged care will be a major election issue.

"While it is alluded to in today's statement, we are yet to see a considered response to one of the many challenges facing the Australian community - the health care of our parents and grandparents in old age and retirement," Dr Glasson said.

Dr Glasson said the recent AMA Victoria Budget Submission illustrates the enormity of the aged care crisis confronting our ageing population.

It reads:

"In Victoria it is currently possible to access 80 residential aged care places per 1000 population over 70 years of age. This compares with the Commonwealth benchmark, which claims to fund 100 places.  So for an eligible population of 450 000, Victoria is short approximately 9000 places, which leaves far too many elderly Victorians inappropriately resident in hospitals whereas they would be far safer in a residential aged care facility or at home."

"Apply that situation nationally and you can see we have a huge problem," Dr Glasson said.

CONTACT:         John Flannery            (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

                       Judith Tokley             (02) 6270 5471 / (0408) 824 306

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